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Medical Conditions

There are several medical conditions that can result in the development or increase of acne.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The main medical condition that is associated with acne is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS for short). PCOS is a very common condition where underdevelopment in the ovaries results in higher testosterone levels in women. This increase in testosterone results in more of the hormone attaching to the skin, which leads to an increase in the size and oil production of the sebaceous glands. This then leads on to more hair follicles becoming blocked and acne forming.

SAPHO Syndrome

SAPHO syndrome is another medical condition associated with acne, although it is much rarer. SAPHO syndrome refers to a variety of bone disorders that are associated with skin changes, in particular the onset of acne. SAPHO syndrome, and how it causes acne, is not well understood.

Acne Conglobata

Acne conglobata is a form of severe acne where acne lesions form tunnels to one another under the skin, creating larger acne lesions. It can arise out of an already existing acne problem or in people who have previously been affected by acne. The condition is related to elevated levels of testosterone in the body.

There are several other medical conditions that can cause acne-like rashes on the body, such as staph infections and Pyoderma Faciale. However, these rashes are not acne and should not be treated as such.

If you have any concerns over your health then you should seek the advice of your healthcare provider.